She was seen by multiple witnesses being floated into a hovering craft near the Brooklyn Bridge. One of the witnesses was Javier Perez de Cuellar, the then United Nations Secretary General.
5-minute reading time
Booth, UFO Casebook, n.d.
She was seen by multiple witnesses being floated into a hovering craft near the Brooklyn Bridge. One of the witnesses was Javier Perez de Cuellar, the then United Nations Secretary General.
5-minute reading time
Booth, UFO Casebook, n.d.
Oprah was one of the first mainstream media personalities to take this subject seriously. John Mack was Chairman of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard Medical School.
15-minute video
Oprah Winfrey Show, YouTube, late 1990s
10-minute reading time
NOVA, PBS, n.d.
Mack observed, “The alien abduction phenomenon appears to be a kind of outreach program from the Cosmos for the spiritually impaired.” Mack was Chair of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard Medical School.
4-minute video
Curren, Baskervillain Studios, 2019c
She believed they are “a future or parallel incarnation of us before they screwed things up.” As of March 2020, this 30-minute interview has 1.4 million views.
9-minute video
Union Magazine, YouTube, 2014
These experiencers challenge the boundaries of reality.
10-minute video
Sumple, Extraordinary: The Seeding, 2019
Nicholas Dumont is the go-to psychologist for people who are certain they’ve met aliens. He has worked with over 100 patients recently in France.
6-minute reading time
Douard, VICE, 2018
Are hundreds of medical reports of alien implants a wide-spread hoax or the smoking gun of credibility? This documentary includes dramatized illustrations based on witness testimony.
11-minute video
Weir & Lustig, Beyond the Spectrum, 2019
What can we learn about the medical expertise of non-human intelligence (NHI)?
13-minute reading time
Dennett, The Healing Power of UFOs, 2019
These healings have occurred both during and after their encounters.
5-minute video
Think Anomalous, YouTube, 2019