Mack was Chairman of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard Medical School.
15-minute video
Curren, Baskervillain Studios, 2019b
Mack was Chairman of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard Medical School.
15-minute video
Curren, Baskervillain Studios, 2019b
This view is worth considering because, based upon modern physics, “We don’t know what reality is anymore.”
6-minute video
Humano Films, YouTube, 2019
He points out that these encounters have been happening throughout human history, explained in past ages as fairies, demons, and signs from God.
11-minute reading time
Taylor,, 2006
4-minute reading time
Rapsas, Patheos, 2014
Or does this all originate from overactive, collective imaginations? John Keel, an important UFO researcher, has posited a highly influential theory of “Ultraterrestrials.”
6-minute video
Gaia, YouTube, 2018
Inspired by a boyhood UFO encounter, Sarfatti became a leading and controversial figure in theoretical physics.
2-minute video
The Stardrive Report, YouTube, 2019
Detailed research into more than 3,000 NHI contact experiences reveal that these are overwhelming positive (85%) transformational encounters with a variety of paranormal entities.
10-minute reading time
Curren & Esbjörn-Hargens, 2020
Professor Jeff Kripal argues that encounters don’t have to be framed with an “either-or” interpretation. Reality is bigger and weirder than we realize.
6-minute reading time
Turner, Houston Chronicle, 2016
This channeled material offers the perspective that the nature of contact experiences depends upon the level of consciousness of the humans involved.
17-minute reading time
Lyssa Royal Holt – ET Contact Series, YouTube, 2019