ET Ufos the contact landscape

What if ETs that allegedly contact us could explain “the contact landscape” from their point of view?

17-minute reading time

Transcribed from SOLi School / Lyssa Royal Holt. (2019). ET Contact Series: The Quantum Map Part 1. YouTube.

The Seed of Life Institute was created by Ronald Holt and Lyssa Royal Holt.  In addition to teaching meditation, sacred geometry and yoga, Lyssa channels material from various non-physical entities. This material was transcribed from her 2019-2020 ET Contact Series. It has been heavily edited and condensed by Tom Curren in order to provide a brief overview of these teaching. We recommend watching the original videos in their entirety.

Hello everyone, this is Sasha here. Perhaps, this is one of the first times we are deliberately speaking to you through these You Tube videos. What we are going to do over these series of videos is share with you some of the most meaningful and important contact lessons that we have given over several decades now. This is for the purpose of allowing you to understand the idea of contact in a whole new way. In a way that is less like what you see in the movies, and what is more real from the point of view of the ETs who are contacting you… We call this the contact landscape.

There is a common ground upon which humans and extra-terrestrial beings or inter-dimensional beings can meet to further this contact process.

Well, first of all, we have to say that, when you look at your movies, and your television shows, the idea of contact has been very humanized in the sense that you only see contact (or valid contact) as perhaps, a ship landing, and you meet, and you shake hands, and you talk much like you would on a human level. However, real true contact is a little bit different than that.

We want to help you to understand what the common ground looks like, the ground upon which humans and extra-terrestrial beings or inter-dimensional beings can meet to further this contact process.  We have to say there’s been a very big change in the human ability to enter and leave alternate states of reality. So, really in the last 20 – 25 years, there’s been a really big shift in the human ability of stretching the boundaries of perception.

What we’ve drawn here is what we like to call the “Quantum Contact Map” because it’s representing a movement or a shift of energy from the most separated state, which is the human state, to the most integrated state, which would be way high here on the map, which we often draw as a single eye. We can also call this “The Road of Consciousness Integration.”

Milestones on the Road of Consciousness Integration

1. The physical reality that you know is actually more akin to the idea of the old-style movie reels, where you have flashes of physicality but the real juice, so to speak, is actually the spaces between those projections into physical reality from the one consciousness; that’s where you, in a sense, merge once again with your true nature.

2. Pain and fear often get triggered as you begin to go into the quantum nature of your consciousness because it is representing the things that have not been looked at (shadows). These things are a mirror for you in which to see yourself.

3. As you get deeper and deeper into the contact experience with refined layers of consciousness, people experience different things, but very often, it can feel like very thick energy.

4. The first level group consciousness is comprised of a group of beings that can relate as individuals but also as a group. The frequency is very harmonious, but yet they can still have some type of individuation within their expression.

5. The more dominant experience for consciousness at this level is not individuation anymore, it is what is being experienced in those overlapping realms. The deeper purpose is seeing yourself in the others that are contacting you and recognizing that universal “One Consciousness” is really just looking at aspects of itself.

6. At this level, it is two different forms or two different aspects becoming one, or in the process of becoming one.

7. The red dots denote nodal points, representing the idea of this blended consciousness beginning to express one idea – representing the one consciousness that you are — the One-that-is-Bob, the One-that-is-Sally.

Milestone 1: The Movie Metaphor

We’re going to give you a metaphor here. Maybe some of you older ones will remember movie theatres from the old days where you had a reel of film, and that reel of film would be played through a projector. The people in the audience would see the complete movie. However, it wouldn’t be until you would examine the reel of film that you would notice that the reel of film is really a series of still photos that are moving at a certain frequency that gives the illusion of a fluid story, let’s say.

So, reality is very much like that, or this third-dimensional reality is very much like that movie metaphor. Why? If you are to zoom out from this linearity, and you are able somehow to view it from the outside, what you would see is that there is a flow of energy in and out of physicality that is like an in-breath and an out-breath.  The out-breath is when consciousness moves into the third-dimensional reality and animates it. The in-breath is when consciousness moves back to the source, back to your integrated state. Now, of course, this in-flow, this in-breath, and out-breath move at such a pace that it’s not observable by the human mind yet, although you’re starting to sense it. Therefore, your reality is in a sense a series of still shots let’s say, stagnant energy, and when you in-breath and you move back into quantum consciousness, you reorganize into the frequency of the reality you need to experience in the next moment, the out-breath goes back into physicality.

The flow of energy in and out of physicality is like an in-breath and an out-breath.

So, on this little diagram we have here, you see the dash lines, the dash lines are representing those little movie stills that we were talking about. The spaces between the dashed lines are representing how the energy moves inward and outward back to the quantum, back into the physical, even that explanation is linear, but because it’s a metaphor, we have to use it in that way to help you understand the concept.

Milestone 2: The Pain/Fear Band

As you then refine your energy, let’s say, you are doing some type of contact meditation, which now thousands and thousands of people do around your world. As you go into the meditative state and you, in a sense, allow the human character to go to rest a little bit, and you start moving into the more refined realms of energy, what are you going to encounter?

An untrained ego might create fear, might create resistance, and might try to stop you from the letting go.

First and foremost, we have to say that, for many people, when they are first starting out, there is fear or resistance. Now, taking a look at this map, you can see then that perhaps, the natural state for consciousness is not squeezed into a human suit, it is more this open, limitless, one state of consciousness. So it takes a lot of energy, and it takes a specific mechanism for consciousness to be able to squeeze itself, so to speak into a human suit and experience a very limited reality. The mechanism by which this experience happens is what you call the ego, the human ego. The human ego has gotten a really bad rap because many people think it’s this negative thing. In reality, it is neutral; it is just a mechanism; it is like an anchor.

An anchor metaphorically, that keeps you grounded in the physical reality, so that you can experience separation; but, when you are doing contact meditation, and you are about to go into those other realms, an untrained ego might create fear, might create resistance, and might try to stop you from the letting go, the opening, the vulnerable state of contact. We say unprocessed ego because for really true ongoing deep contacts, processing one’s ego, and understanding the nature of distortion of the ego will help you quite a lot in your contact experience.

So, let’s say then, that this person has done a little bit of processing and understands the process of going into meditation and allowing the ego to relax; so that you can move into more of the refined energy you’re starting to move now into more, lower states of quantum consciousness, what is this red line here? This is let’s say, one of the big obstacles if you want to call it that, it’s not deliberately set up there to be an obstacle, it’s just a by-product of what happens to consciousness as you move from a state of separation into a state of integration. Okay, what is that?

Maybe you fall asleep, maybe you get agitated, maybe you become frightened. All of these are symptoms of the unhealed or unprocessed energy within the ego.

We call that, “The Pain Fear Band,” it represents a mirror, if you will, whereby as you’re moving into those more refined states of consciousness and you’re opening, and you’re surrendering, that which has been left unhealed, or unlooked at, unexamined, unacknowledged, within you, has to be seen, and if it is not seen, then you might feel fear. You might feel what we often call, signature behaviors, which are different types of behaviors that happen that are predictable as you try to go into the contact state; maybe you fall asleep, maybe you get agitated, maybe you become frightened. All of these are symptoms of the unhealed or unprocessed energy within the ego, that when you move into the more refined states of consciousness, you bump up against this pain fear band, which acts like a mirror.

Contact is a mirror. It is a mirror in which you will always see yourself.

One of the most important aspects of contact to understand is that contact is a mirror. It is a mirror in which you will always see yourself. So, if you are looking at the ET world let’s say, as a very polarized place of negatives and positives, evil ones and good ones, then what you are doing is seeing your own polarization within you in that contact mirror; and that needs to be confronted before you can in a sense, pop through, the pain fear band into the next level here, which is the green level which we will talk about another time. So, therefore then, when you are using a contact process correctly as a way for individual and species evolution, you will always bump up against the contact mirror. You will have to see yourself; you will have to see your own polarization, because otherwise what you will see in the ETs, will be a direct mirror of yourself. If you see evil ones, you are looking at the shadow within that has been unprocessed.

Now, we are not saying there are no bad guys out there so to speak; that’s not even a topic we are going to address in this video, because it is really an unimportant topic. We know there’s a lot of stuff on your internet about negativity this and negativity that and conspiracy theories and all of that. Instead, what you are going to find, if you work with the contact Mirror philosophy and work with healing yourself within, and working with the ego, you will refine yourself to such a degree in energy that, when you do this type of contact work, you will not even come up against the idea of anything having to do with any negative agendas that might exist out there, that are after you, so to speak.

As you work with the unhealed parts of yourself, it starts to create little pathways or through the pain/fear band that then start to dissolve the energy of those realms.

This is why at the beginning of this video we said one of the most important things that we’re going to work with you on in this video has to do with the obstacles (or the so-called obstacles) that are on your path on this contact landscape before you can move to more and more clear and more and more rarefied types of contact. Those obstacles have to do with seeing yourself truthfully and honestly without judgment in the contact mirror, so to speak. Working with the unhealed parts of yourself and as you do, it starts to, in a sense, create little pathways or through the pain fear band, little pathways t hat then start to dissolve the energy of those realms. So that your ability to move back and forth into the more rarefied realms of contact to the common ground where many of us are waiting for you, all of it is connected with how much inner work you do with yourself, all right?

Milestone 3: The Jelly Band

You start to then be able to dissolve or lessen the intensity of that red band, that Fear Pain Band there, and then you start moving into another realm, which is depicted here as the green area. We call it the “Jelly Band” because, as you break through really the last ego layers, and you’ve shed a lot of the, let’s say, boulders or heaviness that you’ve carried from the physical realms, you start to feel a very interesting sensation. It’s almost like moving through jelly or moving through a very thick liquid, and that is very often a sign that you have started to enter those more refined layers of consciousness. Those refined layers of consciousness are on the other side of The Pain Fear Band, and that would be the area that we would call the common ground. That is where most of the ETs who are fourth and fifth density who still identify as singular beings; that is where they would most likely meet you. In that energetic Jelly Band, that is the very beginning place of the integration of energy.

The pineal is more turned on not in a mental way but in a more holographic way.

So, a lot of the contacts then take place there, it’s difficult to describe; people do have the experience of it differently. For some people, it makes them feel very heavy; for others, it makes them feel very clear, but you basically know it when you get there because your perception begins to change in a very different way. You could say then, the pineal is more turned on not in a mental way but in a more holographic way, because also what this map represents is your journey from linearity into the holographic nature of your consciousness; so, you can also look at the journey in that way.

We are so thrilled to see that in your movie from the 1990s with Jodie Foster called, “Contact,” that when she had the contact on the beach with her so-called father, that they depicted this Jelly Band as being very jelly-like; as she was coming closer and closer and closer to meeting the ET with the face of her father.

Milestone 4: Group Consciousness

You start to wonder: Is that a singular being, or is it a group?

So, what does that mean then, if you are to go more into integrated States in the contact experience? This is difficult to describe because now we’re moving really beyond the contacts that are of fifth-density or fourth-density type experience where you’re still contacting so-called singular beings. As you begin to move up on the map here, you’re going to find; there’s a lot of overlapping of beings that you might meet. Where you start to wonder, is that a singular being, or is it a group? And you might even find that many of them might introduce themselves as groups because as you get to this level of consciousness now, you’re moving very far beyond the levels of individuality. Where to the beings who exist here, the concept of individuality is not something they can really directly relate to. So, when they meet you on that level, they have to then meet the part of you that recognizes yourself as a fractal of the hologram too; that the part of you that recognizes your own holographic nature.

You meet the part of you that recognizes your own holographic nature.

Once you get to those types of very rarefied contacts it goes beyond identity. They have difficulty giving you names because it’s meaningless to them. When you allow yourself to move to that level of consciousness in your meditations in your contact work, then it is a way that the one is reaching out to you, so to speak. You start to be able to feel like the magnet of the one consciousness, so to speak, and this allows you then to go into deeper and deeper refined layers of contact.

Now, when you get to these layers, can you even call it contact anymore? Because the concept of contact implies, the meeting of two separates, but once you get to this level, you are already beginning the integration process, so is it really contact? At that level, it is less of the idea of contact and more the idea of inner integration with your other parts, and the specifics do not matter.

Each layer of the quantum contact map has its own story.

To summarize:  Each “layer,” let’s say, of the quantum contact map has its own story. On the human layer, contact to the human means seeing the ship in the sky and seeing the lights, and oh, isn’t it exciting? But that’s really just a show, it’s a surface show. We’re not saying it’s not fun, and humans like to have fun, but that is not what contact is.  As you allow your consciousness then to move deeper and as you confront your shadow and you use contact as a mirror in which you can see yourself, then you start going through the deeper layers. Where the beings that you contact first are the mentors; you might call them ET guides if you will, or they might even be other use, future lives as you have come to call them.  They are there to kind of help you understand the holographic nature of your consciousness, and even at that level, there might still be lights in the sky, and there might be still the exciting physical phenomenon.

But you will find that it becomes less exciting compared to what is happening on the inner levels and then, of course,  as you move deeper and deeper and deeper toward the one consciousness, the whole idea of contact actually might seem a little bit funny, because you’re not separate in consciousness anymore and there’s nothing to contact out there. There is only the other you(s) within you, the other aspects within you to celebrate, and then that is a true experience of the integration process that can be a result of your contact work if you take it that far.

We encourage you to take it that far, we encourage you to meet the contact mirror and to see your own shadows in that way. So that you no longer project those shadows on the contact experience, and when you have come to the point where you no longer project those shadows in the contact mirror, you begin to see contact for what it truly is.

We encourage you to see your own shadows so that you no longer project those onto the contact experience.

This is the path of species evolution; this is a path 99% of species take as they are moving in the transition from third to fourth density and eventually, into fifth density as well. This is the natural path of evolution, and now that you have just begun the ability to move toward seeing yourselves in the contact mirror, this is when the fun really begins. We say fun a little bit in quotes, so to speak, but it is fun if you see the journey of knowing yourself as the most fulfilling journey there is.

Milestone 5: Collective Consciousness

Where we have the circles slightly overlapping, we’re going to label it “Collective Consciousness.”  There’s a slight nuance then between-group consciousness and collective consciousness. What is that nuance? Well, you can see then that there is an overlap, which means then that the more dominant experience for consciousness at this level is not individuation anymore, it is what is being experienced in those overlapping realms. You could say then, taking the metaphor further, that the deeper and deeper you go on the map that those overlapping areas this begin to be the dominant areas, and therefore, the idea of individual beings is becoming something very rare at this level of consciousness.

The “collective you,” the you that is actually part of the collective of the consciousness, begins to override the individual consciousness that is you.

You might still be aware of yourself as your singular being but the collective you, the you that is actually part of the collective of the consciousness of the universe, begins to override, let’s say, the individual consciousness that you are as a human being, and that can be very disorienting and very confusing for humans. So, now we’ve in this experience we’ve gone well beyond what you’ve come to know as contact from your movies. This is now showing you the road of consciousness integration, of recognizing yourself as part of a universal collective. From our point of view, this is the main reason for doing contact work, because as we’ve said in the past, seeing the ships in the sky and all of that is fun, but ultimately what is the purpose? The deeper purpose is seeing yourself in the others that are contacting you and recognizing that universal “One Consciousness” is really just looking at aspects of itself.

Milestone 6: The 3rd Layer

When we get to these rarefied experiences in the third layer, metaphor is really the only way to describe things. So, here we’ve drawn, they’re like a vesica pisces shapes. So, they’re the overlapping areas of the second level here of the collective, of course, we have to use a two-dimensional surface, so we do the best we can; it’s not a two-dimensional experience. So, when these areas of overlap happen, those areas of overlap have kind of what you might call, nodal points. These are the very direct connections the consciousness is making, where there is absolutely no differentiation between consciousness: it is two different forms or two different aspects becoming one, or in the process of becoming one. 

Milestone 7: Nodal Points

We’ve drawn red dots to denote nodal points, representing the idea of this blended consciousness beginning to express one idea. So, what is that one idea? Okay, so it’s going to seem like we’re going to take a tangent but not really, we’ll tie it up at the end. Imagine we have a piece of cardboard and there is a hole in the centre of the cardboard.  When you, as a human, are aware of yourself as a soul having a human experience, it is much like the idea, metaphorically speaking, of your soul looking through this one single hole into a physical reality and having a physical life. That’s a metaphor for that experience that you’ve understood up until now; is what happens in the incarnation process, but we’re going to take it a step further.

Here on the map, we’ve drawn an eye at the top. That eye is representing the one consciousness that you are. Now, we’re not talking about the one Bob or the one Sally, we’re talking about the one-that-is-Bob (and that-is-Sally and that-is-Ron). That is what is represented by the eye; you can say the ultimate experience of reintegration back to the source, okay?

When you are working with the contact experience, ultimately, you will be moving backward, the way you came, toward integration, rather than through separation.

Now imagine we have here another cardboard; this time there are many holes punched in the cardboard.  We’re going to use this as a metaphor to describe something to you. So, if this eye here is representing the one, and I look through the cardboard into physical reality, it is as if every little hole is an eye, and all of those little holes have their own experience in physical reality. Perhaps, slightly different, slight askew from the other person’s experience, but this is a very simple metaphor to show you the idea that there is only but one eye or one consciousness, separating itself, viewing itself in different trajectories in different lifetimes.

So, when you are working with the contact experience ultimately, you are going to bump up against this idea if you take it very far; because you will be moving backward, so to speak, the way you came—moving backwards toward integration, rather than through separation, which is this process. Therefore, when you’re moving backwards, you start to encounter, so to speak, all these seemingly separate eyes or separate dots through which the one is viewing itself. This is when you start to understand what we call superposition contact.

Now, this is not an intellectual uh-huh; it is actually a more experiential uh-huh. Intellectual can come first, but when you have the experiential uh-huh such as through meditation or through contact work, it shifts everything

You’re no longer contacting something out there like an ET in the sky. You are, instead, bringing parts of yourself back home.
What it looks like or what it feels like, is the experience of no longer being human-centric having a contact experience but instead, being able to experience yourself as ETs or other forms of consciousness in many forms through many times. To use simple lingo, so to speak, it is when you meet a future self or when you meet a parallel self as you have come to call them, other you(s) in other bodies. Up until now, you have come to see that if you meet a future self, ooh! That’s my future self, that’s the egos future self. In reality, though, every single being you meet at this very high level of contact is literally another you. Not another you from the human perspective, another you from the one perspective. So, this is why the issue of contact can be such an important process for the evolution of consciousness, because as you let yourself open to the contact process and you move deeper and deeper through the quantum map; confronting all of your fears and your pains and releasing them and moving more into an integrative state where you embrace all aspects of the one, then the idea of contact itself begins to change because you’re no longer contacting something out there like an ET in the sky. You are instead, bringing parts of yourself back home, and that is what the awakening process is. It totally shifts your consciousness, and it totally shifts your contact experience.

Contact, awakening, self-mastery, they are all intricately tied together. Please know, many of us have been holding your hands through this process for so very long, and we are still there a breath away, guiding you and supporting you.

Keep going, it’s already shifting, we are so excited to see what you have been doing, and we look forward to what lies ahead together. Much love.

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