Luis Elizondo: “We can warp time-space.” We know how to theoretically warp time-space; we are already doing it with the Large Hadron Collider

6-minute reading time

In March of 2019, Luis Elizondo was the keynote speaker at the first annual, Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena (AAP) conference put on by the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU).  This document presents his responses to questions involving the warping to space-time, as it relates to the high performance “five observables” for UFOs observed by the Department of Defense AATIP Program.

Joe Murgia. (2019). Elizondo Transcript — SCU Q&A: Once Congress Says, “You Will Look At [UFOs]” The Stigma Will Be Gone. Transcript of Q&A Session.

See also the entire keynote at

Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies. (2019). AAPC 2019 Luis Elizondo Presentation. YouTube.

[This transcript has been edited for brevity.]

Question: Have you or TTSA found any exploitable technologies or theoretical concepts from UAP data that are exploitable? And if so, how public will this be?

Elizondo: Yeah, absolutely we did. And I think in some cases it’s already going public. Let’s look at the warping of space-time. So, this is something that people kind of get excited about and really don’t understand what that means when we talk about warping space-time. What we’re talking about is…there’s two fundamental ways in which mankind is aware that you can warp space-time. And that is with a lot of mass or matter, like Earth or the Sun or any other celestial body that warps space-time. Or, a heck of a lot of energy. Because as we know, energy and matter are really inextricably entwined. It’s almost like steam compared to ice. They look and feel fundamentally different but they’re really kind of the same thing.

We have already crossed that bridge. It’s not a matter of theoretical possibilities where we warp space-time.

So when you hear that the CERN and the large Hadron collider is now at the point, energy levels where we are creating micro black holes – and of course everybody gets scared that they’re gonna suck the Earth in…that’s not gonna happen – all they’re simply saying is that we’re approaching the energy levels now where we are warping space-time in the laboratory. And we’re doing it with energy. That’s all they’re saying. And so we’ve already accomplished that. We have already crossed that bridge. It’s not a matter of theoretical possibilities where we warp space-time. We’re doing it right now! So the question is now it becomes a technological question. When does the technology and the science catch up so we can scale it to a usable size that now we can actually take advantage of?

But yes, a lot of those studies that you see, are real studies. The Drake Equation, now that people are aware of, I mean, that was a very real study. And the math is real. Warp drive! That’s not pseudoscience! That, what you see in those papers are now being substantiated at the CERN and Large Hadron Collider. Those very same principles. We talk about quantum entanglement. We talk about teleportation. These things that we thought were science fiction, we’re now doing it on a routine basis. In fact, the Air Force has done some of this stuff with DARPA. So yeah, I guess to answer your question succinctly…absolutely.

A similar question is asked later in the Q & A session with Elizondo

Q: The accelerations of these craft are on the order of one thousand G’s. What information or data exists to indicate how these craft work? And what is known about how they work? Is it often assumed that they are warping space? Would it be like the Alcubierre Drive?  Or what evidence is there for this? We have no theory of quantum gravity. Could the quantum gravity be more relevant?

Elizondo: Wow. So let’s start with the instantaneous acceleration. Yes, there are scientific models and Hal can give you a better explanation of it. But if you reduce the mass of something, you reduce the inertial forces. That’s simple. That’s physics. So if you have the technology to reduce the mass of something, then you have the ability to maneuver in ways that conventional technology currently doesn’t have that ability to do. But furthermore, if you can warp space-time, all sorts of interesting things can happen. But let me put this out there: warping space-time is, forgive the pun, it’s relative. It’s not really relative but it’s relative. Let’s say, hypothetically, we’re all sitting on the surface of this Earth right now, we’re all affected by gravity equally. But what if you had some special material that, under certain circumstances, created a field around you. And that field actually insulated yourself from the natural effects of Earth’s gravity.

Now two things would happen. People talk about the first observable which is, oh, well, all of a sudden now you float in the sky and you don’t need an engine. But something else happens.

Because remember what Einstein said: Space and Time are together. If you insulate yourself from the effects of Earth’s gravity, by definition, you have to insulate yourself from all the effects of Earth’s gravity. Including time.

And remember, folks, time goes by differently for us here on this planet than it does even for some of our GPS satellites up there. Because they are fundamentally further away from the mass of Earth. So the cesium atomic clocks go by at a different rate. Time is relative. So if you were to have the ability to insulate yourself, cocoon yourself, from the effects of Earth’s gravity, well, time itself would go by different. Wouldn’t it? And all sorts of things would happen.

Maybe all that we’re seeing are really a manifestation of a single technology— the ability to insulate yourself from whatever gravitational forces is in the environment.

And if you had this, let’s say, this bubble or this event horizon was around this glass here, well it would appear to be kind of weird looking, too. It’d be kind of like this weird, low observable thing. And also, it would have this ability to travel at speeds that would just not be possible for us. And it would also be able to maneuver in ways that would seem to be magic. Instantaneous acceleration. When in reality, if you were inside that bubble it would be a walk in the park. We would all be going in slow motion. But to us, this thing is maneuvering in ways that seem like magic. And…well, positive lift…well if gravity’s not pulling you down, now you don’t have to worry about actually having some sort of engine source ‘cause gravity doesn’t exist for you. And so all sorts of things become possible. So maybe, instead of there being five exotic technologies to explain the five different observables. Maybe all that we’re seeing, all those observables, are really a manifestation of a single technology—the ability to insulate yourself from whatever gravitational forces is in the environment. Something to think about.

The Five Observables

When Elizondo ran the Defense Department initiative, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings. He calls those traits the “five observables”: 

Missy Sullivan & Greg Daugherty. (2019). These 5 UFO Traits, Seen by Navy Fighters, Defy Explanation.

[This article has been edited for brevity.]

Unlike any known aircraft, these objects have been sighted overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. They also lack any flight surfaces, such as wings. In the Nimitz incident, witnesses describe the crafts as tubular, shaped like a Tic Tac candy.


The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces—they would be crushed. In the Nimitz incident, radar operators say they tracked one of the UFOs as it dropped from the sky at more than 30 times the speed of sound. Black Aces squadron commander David Fravor, the Nimitz-based fighter pilot who was sent to intercept one of the objects, likened its rapid side-to-side movements, later captured on infrared video, to that of a ping-pong ball. Radar operators on the USS Princeton, part of the Nimitz carrier group, tracked the object accelerating from a standing position to traveling 60 miles in a minute—an astounding 3,600 miles an hour. According to manufacturer Boeing, the F/A 18 Super Hornet fighter jet typically currently reaches a maximum speed of Mach 1.6, or about 1,200 miles an hour.


If an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, it typically leaves “signatures,” like vapor trails and sonic booms. Many UFO accounts note the lack of such evidence.


Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them—either through pilot sightings, radar or other means—remains difficult. Witnesses generally only see the glow or haze around them.


Some UAP have been seen moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water. In the Nimitz incident, witnesses described a UFO hovering over a churning “disturbance” just under the ocean’s otherwise calm surface, leading to speculation that another craft had entered the water. USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed from a Navy sonar operator in the area that day that a craft was moving faster than 70 knots, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs. No one has yet gotten close to crafts that display these traits, so their origins are still unknown. Are they a super-top-secret U.S. defense project? Do they hail from Russia? China? Or from even further afield? The only thing we do know is that their capabilities exceed any technologies currently in the U.S. arsenal.

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